High Hopes Hiking Code of practice for hiking with Covid 19

Start-up date:

We plan to restart our hiking business after the 20th July 2020, (Phase 4 of the Governments road map).

Meet up:

On meet up you will be requested to declare if you think you may have been in touch with Covid 19 or have any symptoms that might indicate infection, or if you are awaiting a result of a Covid 19 test. If any of these are positive you will not be allowed to participate in the hike.

Social Distancing:

We will continue to uphold the principal of social distancing throughout our hikes which is currently at 2 metres.

Travel and car-pooling:

When travelling to our hikes unless you are sharing with family members please maintain the recommendation of the HSE and use face masks and hand sanitiser

Some of our hikes involve a two car drop. Where car-pooling is a necessity you will be requested to wear a face mask and use hand sanitiser.

Group Size:

We aim to keep our group size small. As of now there is no advice available on what that will be. However group sizes will be a maximum of 12 people.


Unfortunately sharing kit will not be allowed. Please prepare your kit well in advance of the hike. We will not be lending hats, gloves or jackets.

Please remember to bring your own hand sanitiser and face mask.

Lunch Stops:

Maintain the required distance and do not share lunches.

First Aid:

Where a hiker requires first aid, the first responder will be required to wear a face mask gloves and eye protection. The person requiring treatment will be requested to wear face mask.